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God Can use it all; Your Brokenness and mistakes


1 Peter 5:10 says “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast”.

There are a few times in my life that I can think of where I feel completely broken and useless. I felt like I had hit rock bottom and that there was no way God could use me. One of these difficult times came when I lost my father. Another, was the ending of a long-term relationship. And lastly, being in a place wherei felt like I had no purpose, I felt incomplete; not knowing my place in this world. During these difficult times I did not see recovery in my future. I felt like I had hit rock bottom and that there was no where to go from there. I felt God couldn’t use someone as broken as me. I felt like I wasn’t worthy of being loved, I felt like I had nothing to offer anyone. But at your lowest, God will remind you who he is. At your lowest God will step in, if only you believe.

During those times I realized I was living life without Christ. I wasn’t intentional with my relationship with Christ. I didn’t acknowledge him. I wasn’t building a relationship with him. I believe he existed but I didn’t move as if he existed. How many of us are grateful that God doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve? How many of you are grateful that God doesn’t treat you the way that we treat him? I don’t know about you but I am extremely thankful for that.

Finally, God began to show me a vision of what my life could be like if only I put him first.Healing could be my story. Deliverance could be my story. Purpose could be my story, if only I put him first. God made it clear that in my weakness he was made strong.

The bible reminds us that God can use our weakness to get our attention. In our weakest moments, he can restore us and use us to do amazing things for the Kingdom despite our weaknesses.

When God wants to transform us, when He wants to humble us, He will use our limitations and inability to move the mountains in front of us, to open our eyes so that we can see ourselves for what we truly are and see God for who He truly is. We are sinful, weak people who, without the grace and mercy of our Lord and Saviour, are unable to live for him.


Believe me when I say I am far from perfect. There was a time I believe that didn’t need God! I graduated from high school and I thought being independent Meant I didn’t have to go to church anymore. I didn’t need to continue my “Christian walk”. When I graduated from high school it was graduating from all the things that I was told I had to do. It wasn’t long before God showed me.

I became more and more irresponsible. I started going out every night. I would drink obsessively. I would party all night, I was in a relationship with someone who thought being abusive was love.I would smoke and do everything I thought made me an adult. Sometimes when God is trying to get through to us and we are not listening. He will literally sit us down. Well… It happened to me. GOD SAT ME DOWN!!

Gods first way of sitting me down was through my health. My entire nervous system shut down on me at the age of 21. Imagine that! Then my job, I had to give it up. lastly school, I Had to take a semester off. I went from feeling like I was on top of the world to suddenly realizing I really had nothing.

And when I realize everything else had failed again, God revealed to me that he had not. I changed my ways Really fast, I had no choice. I have nothing else to depend on but Christ. Sometimes God has to remove everything in our lives to remind us that he is first, he is above all Things in that he is the head of our life.

Every disappointment I have experienced has made me stronger. Every heartbreak and heartache that I felt has made me stronger. Every adversity an obstacle that I had to get over has made me stronger. I found myself on the winning end of those situations and better then what I was before when I stopped and put God first.

Never could I have ever imagined having a ministry of my own. To me she is covered is a ministry. And every day I get an opportunity to encourage, uplift, and influence someone who is on the same journey as myself.

In the beginning, I did feel like a massive failure. I held my own pity party, and felt like my chances of doing anything good with my life were over. But that wasn’t true.

My own failures were simply God redirecting me and giving me chances to start over again. And God is doing the very same thing for you.

You might be feeling like you have this hit rock bottom and then some. You might even be feeling like your life is over and that there is no tomorrow. But I am here to tell you this.

Just as failure was not final for me, failure is not final for you. God can use your failures for your good.

God can use your brokenness. God can use your mistakes. God can use your failures. God can use all the things that you thought were unworthy. God can use all the things that you thought were trash. God can use all those things that you thought cannot be used to build you up and to bless someone else.

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